Tuesday, February 22, 2022

區塊鏈、NFT 和公證人的角色

區塊鏈、NFT 和公證人的角色 隨著技術的興起,區塊鏈或 NFT 等概念已經出現,徹底改變了市場和看待它的方式。 有人將NFT與公證人的功能進行了比較,並推測它可以取代他的形象。 在本文中,我們將簡要介紹“NFT”和“區塊鏈”這兩個術語的概念,以及為什麼它們無法替代或提供在公證人面前簽署檔所提供的保證。 什麼是 blockchain? 要完全理解 NFT 是什麼,首先我們必須簡要介紹一下該技術 blockchain。 區塊鏈就像一個數位化分類帳,它促進了記錄交易和跟蹤業務網路資產的過程。 它是一個不可更改的公共記錄的區塊鏈,它對鏈中的記錄進行加密和認證。 登記在區塊鏈上的資產既可以是有形的,比如房子,也可以是無形的,比如專利。 任何有價值的東西都可以在區塊鏈上進行跟蹤和交易。 包含資料的分類帳配備了允許授權成員從頭到尾訪問交易詳細資訊的技術。 這是一種無法破壞和修改的技術,這就是為什麼使用它來確定虛擬貨幣(如加密貨幣)的所有權,或使用 NFT 證明數字資產的所有權,我們將在下面解釋。 NFT證書是什麼? UN NFT (Non-Fungible Token, from English 不可替代權杖) 是一種獨特的數位憑證,它將數位檔的所有權授予擁有它的人,並且不能刪除或更改。 是電子檔 其中聲明個人擁有數位資產的獨特且不可替代的副本。 NFT 指定數位媒體的真實副本,允許將藝術圖像等檔出售給收藏家。 這個圖像可以在互聯網上無限次複製,但只有一個帶有原始權杖。 NFT 是獨特的資產,不能修改或交換為另一個具有相同價值的資產,因為沒有兩個 NFT 以與沒有兩個表相同的方式等效。 如果您購買 NFT,它將使用區塊鏈技術進行註冊:去中心化網路中的所有電腦都將在共用帳本中記錄交易,該帳本將作為真實性證書。 該記錄無法更改或擦除,因為它是強大的加密貨幣並依賴於分散的控制系統。 如果資產再次出售,所有權的變化也將記入帳簿。 它允許您驗證和驗證資產是否為原始資產,而無需見證為該程式提供擔保的協力廠商。 例如,今年 XNUMX 月 歷史上第一個使用 NFT 技術銷售的 SMS, 上面寫著“聖誕快樂”,價值 107000 歐元。 購買 SMS 的人將是唯一傳輸此電話文本消息的具有原始通信協定的人。 區塊鏈 NFT 將能夠替代公證人? 正如我們之前已經提出的那樣,一些人將 NFT 證書與公證契約進行了比較,聲稱它也決定了誰是應用於數字世界的商品的所有者。 據說 NFT 可以逐步取代公眾信仰,因為記錄存儲在 blockchain 已驗證且不可更改。 這種比較的支持者聲稱 blockchain 從長遠來看,它將成為偉大的通用公證人,而 NFT 將成為卓越的新財產證明。 然而,這種比較似乎沒有考慮到公證人作為公證人的角色。 公證人的工作不僅是使簽名合法化並驗證它屬於特定的人,但也包括對簽名者的能力進行判斷和驗證操作的合法性。 公證人負責起草文書,並驗證其合法性以及各方已理解其內容。 此外,它還履行其他職能,例如公正的建議、防止洗錢或向不同的公共行政機構通知交易。 確認 blockchain 並且 NFT 將能夠替代公證人是一種沒有意義的聲明。 雖然確實使用 blockchain 允許確保存儲在公共網路中的某些商品的真實性和所有權,它不執行公證人的許多功能。 這 blockchain 它不像公證人那樣起草文件,它不能證明其授予人的能力或對授予內容的理解,但最重要的是它不能保證操作的合法性。 公證人執行上述所有功能,只有其中一些還可以執行技術 Blockchain。 但是,進行比較的人忘記了簽署公證文書是保證安全性和合法性的象徵。 可能隨著科技的進步 blockchain 可以補充公證人的職能,但不能代替不能履行相同的職能。 https://notariaboschbages.com/zh-CN/%E5%8C%BA%E5%9D%97%E9%93%BE-nft-%E5%92%8C%E5%85%AC%E8%AF%81%E4%BA%BA%E7%9A%84%E4%BD%9C%E7%94%A8/ Blockchain, NFT and the role of the notary With the rise of technology, concepts such as Blockchain or NFT have emerged that have revolutionized the market and the way to see it. Some compare the NFT with the function of the notary, and speculate that it could replace his figure. In this article we will give you a brief conceptualization of the terms "NFT" and "Blockchain" and why they will not be able to replace or provide the guarantees provided by signing a document before a notary. What is the blockchain? To fully understand what an NFT is, first we will have to make a brief reference to the technology Blockchain. The blockchain is like a digitized ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets of a business network. It is a blockchain of unalterable public records, which encrypts and certifies the records in the chain. Assets that are registered on the blockchain can be both tangible, like a house, and intangible, like a patent. Anything of value can be tracked and traded on the blockchain. The ledger that contains the data is equipped with technology that allows authorized members to access the details of a transaction from start to finish. It is a technology that cannot be destroyed and modified, so it is used, for example, to attribute ownership of virtual money such as cryptocurrencies, or to certify ownership of a digital asset with NFTs, as we will explain below. What is the NFT certificate? UN NFT (Non-Fungible Token, from English Not Fungible Token) is a unique digital certificate that grants ownership of a digital file to whoever owns it, and it cannot be deleted or changed. It is an electronic document in which it is declared that an individual owns a unique and irreplaceable copy of a digital asset. NFTs designate a true copy of the digital medium, allowing files such as an art image to be sold to a collector. This image can be copied infinitely many times over the Internet, but there will only be one with the original token. NFTs are unique assets that cannot be modified or exchanged for another that has the same value, since no two NFTs are equivalent in the same way that no two tables are. If you buy an NFT, it will be registered with Blockchain technology: all computers in a decentralized network will record the transaction in a shared ledger, which will serve as a certificate of authenticity. This record cannot be altered or erased as it is strong crypto and relies on a decentralized control system. If the asset is sold again, the change in ownership will also be recorded in the book. It allows you to authenticate and verify that an asset is original without having to witness a third party who vouches for the procedure. For example, this December the first SMS in history has been sold with NFT technology, that said "Merry Christmas", for the value of 107.000 euros. The person who has purchased the SMS will be the only person with the original communication protocol who transmitted this telephone text message. ¿Blockchain and NFT will be able to substitute the notaries? As we have already advanced previously, some compare the NFT certificates with a notarial deed, claiming that it also determines who is the owner of the good applied to the digital world. It is said that NFT could progressively replace the public faith, since the records are stored in blockchain verified and unalterable. Supporters of this comparison allege that the blockchain it will become the great universal notary, while the NFTs would be the new property certificates par excellence, in the long term. However, it appears that this comparison does not take into account the notary's role as a notary public. The notary's job is not only legitimize the signature and verify that it belongs to a specific person, but also consists of making a judgment on the capacity of the signer and verifying the legality of the operation. The notary drafts the document under his responsibility and verifies its legality and that the parties have understood its content. In addition, it also performs other functions such as impartial advice, prevention of money laundering or notification of transactions to the different public administration bodies. Affirm that the blockchain and the NFTs will be able to substitute the notaries is a statement that does not make sense. Although it is true that the use of blockchain allows to ensure the veracity and ownership of certain goods that are stored in a public network, it does not perform many of the functions of notaries. The blockchain It does not draft the documents as notaries do, it cannot prove the capacity of its grantors or the understanding of what was granted, but the most important thing is that it cannot guarantee the legality of the operation. Notaries perform all of the functions mentioned above, only some of which can also perform technology Blockchain. However, what those who make the comparison forget is that signing a A notarized document is a symbol of the guarantee of security and legality. Possibly, with the progress of technology, the blockchain may complement the function of notaries, but may not substitute for not being able to fulfill the same functions. https://notariaboschbages.com/en/blockchain-nft-and-the-role-of-the-notary/

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